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by seansmichael

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Youtube Thumbnail (MLP FiM) Derpy X Dr Whooves  ~Little Talks~
(MLP FiM) Derpy X Dr Whooves ~Little Talks~
by bungy125
3:51 - 304,667 views

Hey hey i'm back from Canada! I missed you, good ol' New Zealand! :3 Uhhh wow this song is sooo hard to make a couple video with, but i did it! :D Do i get a cookie? No? Ok :c

My other Derpy X Dr Whooves - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faKmo1Y84r4

Haha Enjoy :)

Song - Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men
Youtube Thumbnail My Little Pony in The Sims - Episode 1 - the Hooves Family
My Little Pony in The Sims - Episode 1 - the Hooves Family
by Yudhaikeledai
5:32 - 5,512,265 views

Please support me on Patreon!

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5


It's just another normal day for the Hooves family... or is it? Take a peek into their daily life as they live through another of their daily grind, Sims style!

The game that eats a large portion of my childhood, the very first sims will always have a place in my heart. I just have lots and lots of fun caring for them (or making their lives miserable!) Anyway, if this is well received, I promise you guys to bring you more of the sim ponies; A single one showing only Derpy's family won't be enough to display all the shenanigans or whatever fun you can have with the sims, not counting those expansions! (Thinking of doing Lyra and Bonbon, or 'Tavi and Vinyl - the possibilities are endless)
Youtube Thumbnail asdfmovie3
by TomSka
1:25 - 58,149,600 views

Pre-Order Muffin Time on Kickstarter (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bigpotato/muffin-time-the-random-card-game)
ass-duff-moo-vee-three - More asdfmovie! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3A5849BDE0581B19
asdfmovie t-shirts (https://tomskashop.com/)
Animated by Jamie ‘RageNineteen’ Spicer-Lewis (http://youtube.com/ragenineteen)

Written and Directed by Thomas Ridgewell (http://youtube.com/tomska)
Intro music by Matt Brinkworth (http://twitter.com/mattretrospekt)
“New Dog” joke by asdfcomp winner MarcSpastic1 (http://youtube.com/marcspastic1)

TomSka Shirts (http://sharkrobot.com/asdfmovie)
Twitter (http://twitter.com/thetomska)
Facebook (http://fb.com/thetomska)
Tumblr (http://thetomska.tumblr.com)
Secondary Channel (http://youtube.com/darksquidge)

Special thanks to Amy, Chloe and Edd.
Youtube Thumbnail BFDIA 5a: Get in the Van
BFDIA 5a: Get in the Van
by jacknjellify
17:17 - 12,754,788 views

Recommend a character: http://battlefordreamisland.com/recommend

Featuring voices provided by AnimationEpic (Nickel), Graham Taylor (Gelatin), Ice Cube's voice actor, and Needle's voice actor.

Music by Kevin MacLeod (http://incompetech.com), licensed under the Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0).
Youtube Thumbnail Inanimate Insanity II: Ep. 3 - “Tri Your Best”
Inanimate Insanity II: Ep. 3 - “Tri Your Best”
by AnimationEpic
11:44 - 11,850,801 views

See the entire INANIMATE INSANITY series here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU4y8Uu0CFt5FFnIuD20WzJhhFCHf4dP4

PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/animationepic
MERCHANDISE: https://www.teespring.com/stores/inanimateinsanity
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/animationepic
II DISCORD: https://discord.gg/bnvv5sR
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/animationepic
REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/inanimateinsanity



After YinYang experiences a life-changing event, one of the bright lights faces the second elimination of the season! During the athletic trio-tournament challenge of this episode, we are going all out with the "threes." With the good and bad in this world kept in tact, what would happen to our favorite object friends if these good and bad elements were out of each other's reach?


This episode was TOUGH to do! Finals killed me! However I did great on my finals, so no worries! This episode was fun because it focussed on a character who didn't get much screen time prior! Unfortunately, to focus on this topic, a lot of other characters didn't do much. In fact, Baseball doesn't say a single line this episode! Shameful! I'm glad I got it up earlier than expected though, you guys deserve better than these terrible delays!

And I'm sorry that episode 4 is coming out September 2nd, I couldn't control that. Taylor and I are going away for the summer for a whole month, so we are out of reach of a computer. XanyLeaves obviously can't make the episode alone! So while you wait, I highly suggest watching Xany's "Object Overload" and TeenChampion's "Object Universe" if you want your object fix.

Also special thanks to Thomas-Frost for his song "puzzling" in the credits!

Special thanks to Jacknjellify for their immense inspiration behind the series! Go subscribe to them!
Youtube Thumbnail title
- views

Youtube Thumbnail Sonic Shorts - Volume 5
Sonic Shorts - Volume 5
by Sonic Paradox
10:34 - 11,921,405 views

The fifth volume in the Sonic Shorts series.
Now available in HD: https://youtu.be/q2Po_CoURDQ

Our wonderful animators by short:
00:00 - Kaizoku & TheWax
00:05- Cacti
00:45- AtomicBottle (Boz)
01:27- Bit Master
01:43- Comick
02:11- The-Real-Iceman
02:30- Cacti
02:41- Legend20x
03:05- Insector
03:51- Boozerman
04:19- Kaizoku & Sol the Hedgehog
04:34- Flash Twister
05:03- Scott Falco
05:26- Deivid
05:34- Jacks
06:22- GameBuddy
06:50- Wonchop
07:11- TheWax
08:01- NeoCypo

Solar Flair

Follow Sonic Paradox on our different social media outlets!

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SonicParadox
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Sonic_Paradox
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_sonicparadox_team/
Youtube Thumbnail Inanimate Insanity Fan Animation: Good Time
Inanimate Insanity Fan Animation: Good Time
by benjibuddy3
3:26 - 356,332 views

Song is "Good Time" by Owl City and Carly Rae Jepsen
Characters belong to AnimationEpic, and are used with permission.

This has been in the making for about two or three weeks now.
The timing may seem a bit off at some parts because of uploading issues.
I chose this song because this is my favorite song that contains both a male AND female vocalist.
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