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Battle or Dream Island Episode 2-7
by Brettsmart8

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Youtube Thumbnail BFDI 2: Barriers and Pitfalls
BFDI 2: Barriers and Pitfalls
by jacknjellify
10:27 - 12,069,422 views

This time it's an obstacle course! Eraser, Pen, Pencil, and Spongy go rescue Blocky. Firey and Coiny fiercely battle. It's a race against time!

Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0"
Youtube Thumbnail BFDI 3: Are You Smarter Than a Snowball?
BFDI 3: Are You Smarter Than a Snowball?
by jacknjellify
8:06 - 8,793,645 views

The teams are challenged one more time with a new task: a test. Don't cheat! Or doodle!
The music for Pencil's doodle is Unreal Superhero 3 by Kenet & Rez ( 9STiQ8cCIo0 ).
Shag Font Collection by House Industries http://houseind.com/fonts/shagcollection
Youtube Thumbnail BFDI 4: Sweet Tooth
BFDI 4: Sweet Tooth
by jacknjellify
10:07 - 11,032,257 views

Pin thinks ice cakes are terrible. But can she, along with the rest of the contestants, possibly do any better!? Find out in this thrilling episode of BFDI!
Shag Font Collection by House Industries http://houseind.com/fonts/shagcollection
Youtube Thumbnail BFDI 5: Bridge Crossing
BFDI 5: Bridge Crossing
by jacknjellify
7:26 - 7,314,225 views

With one more contestant gone, the anticipation builds as the two teams are faced with the hardest challenge yet: crossing a bridge! Falls and screams! Oh, no! Yikes! Wah, boo hoo! It's too hard!
Shag Font Collection by House Industries http://houseind.com/fonts/shagcollection
Youtube Thumbnail BFDI 6: Power of Three
BFDI 6: Power of Three
by jacknjellify
10:54 - 8,977,346 views

You know those multivitamin commercials where they say that everything's getting smaller? Well, so are the teams... temporarily. Not everyone gets their desired team!
Shag Font Collection by House Industries http://houseind.com/fonts/shagcollection
Youtube Thumbnail BFDI 7: Puzzling Mysteries
BFDI 7: Puzzling Mysteries
by jacknjellify
6:30 - 9,909,028 views

Trapped in a room with nothing else to do, the contestants are forced to solve a jigsaw puzzle! Oh, and one contestant switches teams.
Shag Font Collection by House Industries http://houseind.com/fonts/shagcollection
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