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The Heat Haze Finds a Deathnote.avi

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Youtube Thumbnail 【Miku Append】Heat-Haze Days【Hand Drawn PV】(English Annotations)
【Miku Append】Heat-Haze Days【Hand Drawn PV】(English Annotations)
by PockyTokki
3:52 - 574,888 views

Also known as Kagerou Days and Mayfly Days.
"Deizu" could also be "Daze", so other titles could be Heat-Haze Daze or Mayfly Daze...

Please go watch this for a hard-subbed video (also in video responses):
A few lines are a bit different, though

Original Title: 【初音ミク】カゲロウデイズ【オリジナルPV】
Music: Jin/Shizen no Teki-P
Video: Wannyanpuu
Vocals: Hatsune Miku Append Vivid, Sweet
Translation: Kaga/Karunarotsu

Translation, romaji, and kanji can be found here: http://karunarotsu.wordpress.com/2011/10/02/trans-heat-haze-days/

I edited some of the translation in the video in order to match the PV.

From Nicovideo: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm16450214
mp3: http://nicosound.anyap.info/sound/sm16450214

This PV was NOT created by the writer of the song, Jin.
It is Wannyanpuu's fan interpretation of the lyrics.
So the true meaning of this song could be totally different than what this video shows.

I couldn't find any English subbed version of this PV with the original voice, so here it is!
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