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Acid High and Serotonin v4

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Youtube Thumbnail 1hr Alpha Binaural + Isochronic Pulse (10hz)
1hr Alpha Binaural + Isochronic Pulse (10hz)
by Ripple
60:00 - 203,106 views

Beautiful piano music (vol. 3, see tracklist below) composed by Peder B. Helland. Relaxing music that can be used as background music for work, studying, meditation, sleep, reading, concentration, focus, spas or yoga. Listen t
This video is designed to help you get into an enhanced brain state so that you could meditate and visualise. Fifteen minutes of alpha wave frequency (10 Hz ). Alpha waves are neural oscillations in the frequency range of 8–12 Hz. They are often associated with lowering stress, boosting creativity and increases pain tolerance and resilience to stress.

What are binaural beats?
Binaural beats represent the auditory experience of an oscillating sound that occurs when two sounds with neighboring frequencies are presented to one’s left and right ear separately. Binaural beats have been shown to impact information processing via their putative role in increasing neural synchronization.
.researched is during the relaxed mental state, where the subject is at rest with eyes closed, but is not tired or asleep. This alpha activity is centered in the occipital lobe, and is presumed to originate there, although there has been recent speculation that it instead has a thalamic origin.[6] This wave begins appearing at around four months, and is initially a frequency of 4 waves per second. The mature alpha wave, at 10 waves per second, is firmly established by age 3.[7]

The second occurrence of alpha wave activity is during REM sleep. As opposed to the awake form of alpha activity, this form is located in a frontal-central location in the brain. The purpose of alpha activity during REM sleep has yet to be fully understood. Currently, there are arguments that alpha patterns are a normal part of REM sleep, and for the notion that it indicates a semi-arousal period. It has been suggested that this alpha activity is inversely related to REM sleep pressure.
10hz Alpha Binaural Beat with an added Isochronic pulse.

Visit channel for more hour long binaural beat sessions-
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