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Youtube Thumbnail Delta Healing III - Skin Care (Binaural, Isochronic beats, Beta-endorphin) - Karmic Beats
Delta Healing III - Skin Care (Binaural, Isochronic beats, Beta-endorphin) - Karmic Beats
by Karmic Beats
60:00 - 303,439 views

Powerful healing energy, frequencies, and meditation to heal skin.

At Karmic Beats I provide binaural, isochronic beats, solfeggio frequencies, ASMR, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.

Please subscribe to my channel and comment on the videos.

Please help. Youtube demonetized my channel and I have very little other income.


Downloadable MP3 Files from Karmic Beats Videos.

Please check out the Karmic Beats 2 channel. There I have talks on various topics and healing meditation videos with healing beats and spoken guided meditations. Topics include meditation and its benefits, Binaural beats, energy healing, and various other metaphysical topics.

Karmic Beats 2 Channel

I make 6 versions of each video. The first has the beats, the energy and a meditation. The other 5 videos have the same beats, energy and meditation, they also have added sounds such as rain, wind, wind & rain, pink noise and plastic crinkle (ASMR). These different versions are made because different people have different preferences for the added sounds.

Topical Index of Karmic Beats Videos

Binaural beats and frequencies used:

10Hz Alpha range -- Release beta endorphin.
111Hz -- Release beta endorphin, cell regeneration.
Binaural and Isochronic beats.

Skin care healing sounds for acne, Keratosis pilaris, Rosacea, Chloracne, blackhead, Whitehead, Cysts and other problems of the skin.

Stress is an aggravating factor in acne. Anything that can be done to relieve stress will help to reduce acne and other physical maladies.

Beta-endorphin is a natural pain killer, it is relaxing and promotes a feeling of well being (it makes you feel high). It is also believed to promote good skin health and skin tone. Another benefit is, to slow the growth of cancer cells.

Research shows that beta-endorphin boosts natural collagen production and promotes growth of the epithelial cells aiding the production of new skin cells.

Alpha range - super learning, positive thinking. Conducive to creative problem solving, accelerated learning, beta-endorphins.

Aloe Vera is also recommended. It is best to use the gel directly from the Aloe Vera plant. They can be grown indoors. Or, use a product that
contains mostly the Aloe Vera gel.

Playlists of Karmic Beats Videos:

Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, OBE, etc.


3rd Eye

Study, Focus, Concentration, Memory Improvement



Also be sure to visit my blog page where you will find free fractal art wallpaper for your computer desktop, meditation advice, announcements of upcoming videos and more. The blog is updated regularly.

I use Gnaural to produce the Binaural and Isochronic beats and Solfeggio tones.

I use ChaosPro for the fractal videos.

I use Windows Movie Maker to put it all together.

I am using a Windows XP Dell Latitude D620 Laptop with 2 GB

NOTE: Some beats and frequencies can you make you drowsy. Binaural and Isochronic beats are best listened to with earbuds or headphones. Adjust the volume to a level that is comfortable for you.
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