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Astral projection and meditation with Isochronic Binaural Beat

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Youtube Thumbnail Astral Body II (One Hour 6.3Hz Theta 221.23Hz Third Eye Astral Projection OBE Binaural Isochronic)
Astral Body II (One Hour 6.3Hz Theta 221.23Hz Third Eye Astral Projection OBE Binaural Isochronic)
by Karmic Beats
60:00 - 405,721 views

One hour of 6.3Hz Binaural and Isochronic beats. A frequency of astral projection. And, accelerated learning & increased memory retention
Base frequency 221.23 - Third Eye, Ajna (6th) Chakra, Venus: beauty, love, sexuality, sensuality, harmony

It is best to use headphones or earbuds, especially for serious meditation. However this has an isochronic beat in it so you can use speakers.
Meditate to this and then listen to it while sleeping. This can be used for lucid dreaming as well.

The fractal art is kept simple to reduce file size and render time.

At Karmic Beats I provide binaural, isochronic beats, solfeggio frequencies, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.

Please check out my YouTube channel for other binaural, isochronic, solfeggio, sound healing, vibrational therapy videos:

Playlists of Karmic Beats Videos:

Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, OBE, etc.


3rd Eye

Study, Focus, Concentration, Memory Improvement



Also be sure to visit my blog page where you will find free fractal art wallpaper for your computer desktop, meditation advice, announcements of upcoming videos and more. The blog is updated regularly.

I use Gnaural to produce the Binaural and Isochronic beats and Solfeggio tones.

I use ChaosPro for the fractal videos.

I use Windows Movie Maker to put it all together.

I am using a Windows XP Dell Latitude D620 Laptop with 2 GB

NOTE: Some beats and frequencies can you make you drowsy. Binaural and Isochronic beats are best listened to with earbuds or headphones. Adjust the volume to a level that is comfortable for you.
Youtube Thumbnail One Hour 6.3Hz Theta Astral Projection OBE Binaural Isochronic - Karmic Beats
One Hour 6.3Hz Theta Astral Projection OBE Binaural Isochronic - Karmic Beats
by Karmic Beats
60:00 - 574,333 views

One hour of 6.3Hz Binaural and Isochronic beats. A frequency of astral projection. And, accelerated learning & increased memory retention

The frequency of Om 136.1Hz is used for the base.

For free fractal art wallpaper from this video production visit:

The fractal art is kept simple to reduce file size and render time.

At Karmic Beats I provide binaural, isochronic beats, solfeggio frequencies, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.

Please check out my YouTube channel for other binaural, isochronic, solfeggio, sound healing, vibrational therapy videos:

Playlists of Karmic Beats Videos:

Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, OBE, etc.


3rd Eye

Study, Focus, Concentration, Memory Improvement



Also be sure to visit my blog page where you will find free fractal art wallpaper for your computer desktop, meditation advice, announcements of upcoming videos and more. The blog is updated regularly.

I use Gnaural to produce the Binaural and Isochronic beats and Solfeggio tones.

I use ChaosPro for the fractal videos.

I use Windows Movie Maker to put it all together.

I am using a Windows XP Dell Latitude D620 Laptop with 2 GB

NOTE: Some beats and frequencies can you make you drowsy. Binaural and Isochronic beats are best listened to with earbuds or headphones. Adjust the volume to a level that is comfortable for you.
Youtube Thumbnail Pineal Gland I (936Hz & OM for your pineal gland activation)
Pineal Gland I (936Hz & OM for your pineal gland activation)
by Karmic Beats
60:00 - 347,795 views

936Hz - Pineal gland activation frequency.

136.1Hz - Frequency of OM. Earth frequency. Also called the frequency of the soul. Promotes harmony with the cosmos. Opens blocked energy pathways and restores balance.

Isochronic beat 936Hz beat and 136.1Hz base frequencies.
Isochronic beat 136.1Hz beat and 936Hz base frequencies.

The beats are isochronic, however headphones are still best.
Keep the volume low so it is comfortable.
If it gets to be too much, stop.

I get the technical issue with having an isochronic pulse with a beat frequency higher than the base.
However a lot of this is intuitional and, I was inspired, and I liked the sound and effects of it.

There are two versions of this video:

Pineal Gland I (936Hz & OM for your pineal gland activation)

Pineal Gland I + WIND & RAIN (936Hz & OM for your pineal gland activation)

At Karmic Beats I provide binaural, isochronic beats, solfeggio frequencies, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.

Please check out my YouTube channel for other binaural, isochronic, solfeggio, sound healing, vibrational therapy videos:

Playlists of Karmic Beats Videos:

Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, OBE, etc.


3rd Eye

Study, Focus, Concentration, Memory Improvement



Also be sure to visit my blog page where you will find free fractal art wallpaper for your computer desktop, meditation advice, announcements of upcoming videos and more. The blog is updated regularly.

I use Gnaural to produce the Binaural and Isochronic beats and Solfeggio tones.

I use ChaosPro for the fractal videos.

I use Windows Movie Maker to put it all together.

I am using a Windows XP Dell Latitude D620 Laptop with 2 GB

NOTE: Some beats and frequencies can you make you drowsy. Binaural and Isochronic beats are best listened to with earbuds or headphones. Adjust the volume to a level that is comfortable for you.
Youtube Thumbnail "Chakra Balance" ~ Isochronic Binaural Beat
"Chakra Balance" ~ Isochronic Binaural Beat
by Eric Bartel
70:00 - 509,721 views

Download this session @:

Free Binaural Beats Presents Chrakra Balance Iso Binaural

Want to exist in an effortless, meditative flow? You can achieve this with a balanced energetic ecosystem. Take the new 3-minute test by Chakra Master Carol Tuttle to learn which of your 7 Chakra energy centers are blocked and need tuning up http://mval.li/?a=4142&c=367&p=r&s1=

About this session:

The A=432Hz Tones for Chakra Healing.

You may use any of the tones below:

Crown 216,432, or 864 A
3rd Eye 144,288, or 576 D
Throat 192,384, or 768 G
Heart 128,256, or 512 C
Solar Plexus 182,364, or 728 F#
Sacral 303,606, or 1212 E flat
Root 228,456, or 912 B flat

For this audio the following tones were used:

For the binaural beat the following carrier frequencies were used with a 35Hz binaural frequency

35Hz: Awakening of mid-chakras, balance of chakras

1st tone is 228Hz Root
2nd tone is 303Hz Sacral
3rd tone is 182Hz Solar Plexus
4th tone is 128Hz Heart
5th tone is 192Hz Throat
6th tone is 144Hz Third Eye
7th tone is 216Hz Crown

In coordination the following Isochronic Tones were used at the following carrier frequencies with an Iso pulse of 12Hz

12 Hz - Centering, doorway to all other frequencies; frequency of earth resonance (Hercules - a researcher); Centering, mental stability, transitional point, time seems faster; To stimulate mental clarity; Associated with Throat/Vishuddha chakra (Effects=Expression/self in society)

1st tone is 456Hz Root
2nd tone is 606Hz Sacral
3rd tone is 364Hz Solar Plexus
4th tone is 256Hz Heart
5th tone is 384Hz Throat
6th tone is 288Hz Third Eye
7th tone is 432Hz Crown

To use, sit in a nice comfortable position and play the video from start to finish. Play it as often as you like and let me know your results if any.

See the following video for an explanation:


For best results please wear headphones

The binaural beat provided is not meant to replace or substitute the recommendations or advice of your physician or health care provider. This video should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. If you believe you have a medical condition or problem contact your health care provider.

For more information about tones visit:

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