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Acid High and Serotonin

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Youtube Thumbnail Virtual Opioid 1.0-Serotonin & Endorphin Release With Isochronic Tones-Create Feelings of Euphor
Virtual Opioid 1.0-Serotonin & Endorphin Release With Isochronic Tones-Create Feelings of Euphor
by The Brainwave Hub - Sleep, Focus, Mindfulness
35:00 - 493,067 views

Use headphones for best results, and listen to it all the way through to feel the effects. It's best to be lying down with your eyes shut.

MP3 Download: http://www.binauralbeatshub.com/?product=vo1

*Subscribe to The Meditation Music Hub!* https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCydPmqgckvPcXXWiCxB4veQ

►High Quality MP3s: http://www.binauralbeatshub.com
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Specifications of this brain entrainment session....

2.5 Hz (Delta)
10 Hz (Alpha)
22.5 Hz (Beta)
38 Hz (Beta)

There have been at least 4 comments from girls who claim to have had orgasms from this audio....

This audio has NOT been designed to mimic the effect of drugs; this isn't that kind of channel ;)

V.OPIOID 2 - HARMONIC FREQUENCIES - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-v3oWe5yFn4
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