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Dead Space 3 with Beagle and Dslyecxi, Pt. 9
by Beagle

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Youtube Thumbnail Dead Space 3 with Beagle & Dslyecxi, Part 9
Dead Space 3 with Beagle & Dslyecxi, Part 9
by dslyecxi
57:58 - 9,823 views

Something a bit different! Beagle and I play through Dead Space 3. This will be a many-part series, with synchronized footage presented on both my and Beagle's channels. We have edited these so that they sync up and you can watch them at the same time if you so desire.

Beagle's POV: http://youtu.be/zcb2VLPZPgQ
Synced POVs: http://www.youtubemultiplier.com/51611d7281d10-dead-space-3-with-beagle-and-dslyecxi-pt-9.php

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The mission shown is a horrific survival situation on the most horrific terrain.

My site: http://www.dslyecxi.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/dslyecxi/
Tumblr: http://blog.dslyecxi.com
Youtube Thumbnail Dead Space 3, with Beagle and Dslyecxi (Pt. 9)
Dead Space 3, with Beagle and Dslyecxi (Pt. 9)
by Beaglerush
58:03 - 6,872 views

Part 10: Soon

Dslyecxi's Perspective: http://youtu.be/-dmvTzN9fyo
Both Screens in One: http://www.youtubemultiplier.com/51611d7281d10-dead-space-3-with-beagle-and-dslyecxi-pt-9.php

This all seems very familia- nah, you know what, I'm just imagining it, don't mind me.

These videos are edited to be totally synchronized, so you can sync them up together on YoutubeMultiplier and watch both videos at once. I'd reccomend muting one audio track and only listening to one though, because due to the normal lag, our chat will be slightly out of sync. Anyway, enjoy!

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