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Black Gryphon/Dr. Cow(Juan Amador) - Mashup of "-icious" MLP -vs- MLH
by DrCowIsAGeniusAndItsDahBestSkillDrwa

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Youtube Thumbnail Twilightlicious MLH
Twilightlicious MLH
by Skill:Draw
0:13 - 4,020,678 views

Check "www.skilldraw.com/next-licious" to suggest the next licious :)

A small short made while we are doing the longer vids. Actually, we're having problems with the AS9 so it delayed the works...

Anyway, here's Twilightlicious MLH for all of you. Thanks to Tara for her voice, to Black Gryph0n for the original video and for all of you for supporting and liking us.
Youtube Thumbnail Twilightlicious - BlackGryph0n
Twilightlicious - BlackGryph0n
by Black Gryph0n
0:11 - 2,763,942 views

For Tara! :-D
For those asking; yes, this is voiced by Tara Strong. See below. ;-)

I made this out of Tara's little Twitter recording she sent this morning. Hope you like it!... Over and over and over again... XD

More Twilight Sparkle on my Deviant Art Page: http://blackgryph0n.deviantart.com/

This is the first, but will not be the last of my "semi officially voiced" Twilight Sparkle animations... If this seems a little vague, it is intentional. That said, please don't ask too many questions regarding this topic... For now, I can tell you that there will be a longer fan-animation staring Twilight Sparkle. I will hopefully have it done in a few weeks, after I get back from tour in Guam. Thanks for all the comments everypony! Love y'all!

OK, so here's the down low... A while ago, When Tara Strong first started trolling/loving Bronies, I approached her about possibly voicing an animated short for us, offering payment and everything. She saw some of my older MLP animations and really seemed to love the idea, but told me that she couldn't be hired to voice her MLP character outside of her contract with Hasbro/SAG. So that's it right? No animation... Then all of the sudden, BAM! VocalTwit: The holy alternative!
As long as Tara doesn't condone my animation, and as long as my animation doesn't show signs of mutual collaboration; she is not in breach of contract.
So yes, there will be more, but no, it is not illegal collaboration. I just animate what she posts. Simple as that. :-)

For those of you asking; I had already started animating before Tara posted the audio, that's why it only took a few hours. :-)

The word 'you're' is a conjunction of the words 'you' and 'are' and has no place in the sentence. The word 'your' is possessive and pertains to the word pleasure. My grammar is fine... My spelling/punctuation on the other hand... ^^;
Youtube Thumbnail Flutterlicious MLH
Flutterlicious MLH
by Skill:Draw
0:14 - 2,345,018 views

Check "www.skilldraw.com/next-licious" to suggest the next licious :)

Continuing with the "licious" videos while working on more stuff. Here's Flutterlicious. We hope you like it as the first one with Twilight.
Youtube Thumbnail Flutterlicious - BlackGryph0n
Flutterlicious - BlackGryph0n
by Black Gryph0n
0:14 - 1,232,618 views

"I... I hope you don't mind... but I thought I'd, you know, make this video for you... I'm sorry..."

For Andrea Libman! Love ya!

Voiced by the talented and beautiful Andr... Err... Bree Faith!
Her Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/BreeFaithVA
Her Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BreeFaithVA

More on my Deviant Art Page: http://blackgryph0n.deviantart.com/

Some valuableish Information:
Like "Twilightlicious" came before "Message from Twilight Sparkle," this video is a precursor to "Message from Fluttershy." For the few of you who actually read this though, I must let you know that I am going on deployment this Sunday and will be gone for a few months, so it will be quite a while before I am able to animate "Message from Fluttershy." I will do my best to stay active on Deviant Art (draw pony pictures and such) whenever I get the chance, but I won't have any time to animate while underway... Sorry guys... :-(

WOW! You made it throught the whole thing?!
BROHOOF!! /)*(\
Youtube Thumbnail Pinkielicious MLH
Pinkielicious MLH
by Skill:Draw
0:13 - 3,656,202 views

Check "skilldraw(dot)com/next-licious" to suggest the next licious :)

Here's the next one as requested by you, people :)
Pinkielicious. We managed to enable the HD feature for this and future vids. Hope you like it.
Youtube Thumbnail Pinkielicious - BlackGryph0n
Pinkielicious - BlackGryph0n
by Black Gryph0n
0:13 - 1,363,754 views

HEY EVERYPONY!!! OH MY GOSH! So I saw Twilight made one of these Licious thingies, and then Fluttershy made one too, and I knew I just HAD TO DO ONE OF THESE MYSELF!!! So I sang into a little black box and I put the box in the mail and now EVERYPONY CAN SEE ME!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?! Like this one time I was mixing relish into a new cake recipe, when out of nowhere this CRAZY song pops into my head! "LAAAA la la la LAAA LA la LAAAA la la LAAAAAAAAAA!!!" I guess you can hear it better when you can hear it. ANYWAY, it gave me this awesomazing idea to do something special for the Cakes! So I put pink frosting all over the floor and then got out my ice skates and now the floor says "I LOVE Y"! It was going to say "I LOVE YOU" but the room isn't big enough to fit the whole thing. I guess I could have put "U" instead of "Y", but then it would be grammatomically incorrect, and you know how Twilight feels about that! Like this one time I made a card for her that said "U R GR8!" and she spent an hour trying to figure out what it said! I would have told her of course, but she kept telling me to SHUUUSH because she was trying to decipher a cryptic message, whatever that means, it's probably some kind of candy. HEY!! Speaking of candy, have you ever tried pickles dipped in chocolate?!?! I know it sounds yuckerific, but It's almost better than cupcakes dipped in hot sauce! It's a small almost though; if the almost where a bug, it would probably be a flee or something. I don't like flees, if I could talk to flees I would tell them to stop being so yucky and peskery, but I would tell them in a nice way so that I didn't hurt the flees feelings. It's mean to be mean. That's why I'm nice all the time! Mean ponies must think it's nice to be mean, I feel bad for them, they must be super confused! Speaking of confusing, why do we see two of everything when we cross our eyes? I know things don't split into double, but if they don't split into double then why can I see double things so well? And why do we call Grapefruit Grapefruit? Grapes are itty bitty and Grapefruits are Grapefruit size! Well, I'd better go, The Cakes are almost home and I wanna see the looks on their faces when they see the special message on the floor! I'm sure they'll like it better then the mayonnaise ice-cream! Oh by the way, when am I ever gonna get to meet one of you guys?!... Oh pickles, here they come... BYE BYE BRONIES!! I LOVE YOU GUYS AND I'LL SEE YOU LATER OK?!

Voiced by the incredible Bree Faith! Thanks again for working with me and my crazy schedules! ;-)

More on my Deviant Art page: http://blackgryph0n.deviantart.com/

"I'm the P to the INKIE to the P to I to E, and while I'm at it Bronies, WON'T YOU PLEASE BE FRIENDS WITH ME?!... I'm Pinkalicious!"

If you made it this far, I commend you. For those of you who follow me, I'll have you know that I am almost home! (Well, almost back in Japan anyway.) I am uploading this out of a bar in Singapore. Only one more port before this portion of CARAT is over! Next, I will be uploading a revised version of my song "Proud to be a Brony" to be used in the Brony Documentary. Expect more animations though! ;-)
Thanks for your support guys! You're the reason I do it!

Are you still reading this?!... WOW... Here, take this bro-hoof... You've earned it: /)
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