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cyberpunk trailer - alternative music (Pati Yang - Higher Perception )

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Youtube Thumbnail Cyberpunk 2077 Teaser Trailer
Cyberpunk 2077 Teaser Trailer
by Cyberpunk 2077
2:20 - 15,253,174 views

[Check out the 2018 E3 trailer for Cyberpunk 2077 here: https://youtu.be/8X2kIfS6fb8]

Welcome to the year 2077. More info: http://www.cyberpunk.net/

The teaser shows how the Psycho Squad might acquire a new member.

The Psycho Squad specializes in combating "psychos" -- individuals who overuse implants and substances that boost or otherwise alter the human body.

There comes a point when they overdose on these innovations, and their bodies start to rebel against their biological body parts as well as all things organic around them. Simply put, they start killing people, who they now derisively call "meatbags."

When a psycho goes on the rampage, strange things can happen. There's carnage, and the psycho might be taken down by regular police, but they're not always able to get the job done.

When things spin out of control, they call in MAX-TAC (Maximum Force Tactical Division), popularly called the Psycho Squad.

Music: "Bullets" written by Darius Keeler, Pollard Berrier
performed by Archive http://archiveofficial.com/
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