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Our deepest fear - citizen cope

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Youtube Thumbnail Citizen Cope - Let the Drummer Kick
Citizen Cope - Let the Drummer Kick
by lilboi630
4:14 - 506,387 views

Song: Let the Drummer Kick by Citizen Cope
Visualization: Goom (on VLC Media Player)
The Song and Video is a bit out of sync.
Let The Drummer Kick lyrics:

Let the drummer kick
Let the drummer kick that

No substitution

Let the drummer kick
Let the drummer kick that

Relations (Apollo had to break 'em)
Creation (A gift, a blessing)
Incarceration (What keeps you down)
Determination (What gets you out)
Equation (When they said you could make it)
Humiliation (What you feel when they say it)
Reincarnation (N-A-V)
Situation (Why we've got to sing)
Elation (Let the drummer kick, so many in need)
Identification (Gives you the right to shoot)
Retaliation (What would it do)
Education (Gives you the right to choose)
Inspiration (Is what pulls you through)
No substitution (No subsitute)
Non-inclusion (You've got to bust through)
Drug infusion (For the chosen few)
Mass confusion (When they say that they died for you)
Solution (It can take a hold of you)
Inspiration (Is what pulls you through)

Let the drummer kick (Inspiration)
Let the drummer kick that (Inspiration)

You don't even have to wait
You don't even have to wait

Let the drummer kick
Let the drummer kick that
Youtube Thumbnail "Our deepest fear" - Coach Carter
"Our deepest fear" - Coach Carter
by AwesomeSpeeches
0:58 - 120,129 views

Coach Carter is a 2005 film from Paramount Pictures, directed by Thomas Carter. It is based on a true story, in which Richmond High School (Richmond, California, USA) head basketball coach Ken Carter made headlines in 1999 for benching his undefeated team due to poor academic results.

Troubled youngster Timo Cruz (Rick Gonzalez) stands up infront of his team and depicts the Marianne Williamson poem, 'Our deepest fear'. There is no better poem to use in this scene as that perfectly explains the lives of these young men, and how their actions affect their lives.

Thanks for watching. If you have any speeches which you'd like me to upload then just send me a message and I'll do my best to upload it as quickly as possible.

No copyright infringement intended. I personally edited this movie myself. All rights belong to the respective owners. I uploaded this video for entertainment purposes only.
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