![]() T-ARA(티아라) _ Roly-Poly in Copacabana MV
by 1theK (원더케이) 4:08 - 51,682,718 views T-ARA(티아라) _ Roly-Poly in Copacabana MV *English subtitles are available. (Click on CC button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' fuction) [ ♬ Download ] iTunes : http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/roly-poly-in-kopakabana-roly/id465265779 Melon : http://www.melon.com/cds/album/web/albumdetailmain_list.htm?albumId=1360451 The title "Roly-Poly in Copacabana" comes from the famous disco club of the 80s "Copacabana". T-ARA is certain that "Roly-Poly in Copacabana" will lead to a disco club phenomenon. Touches have been added to make it more refined and trendy through disco elements than the original "Roly-Poly", as it has been revived into a disco album of the 80s. ▶1theK FB : https://www.facebook.com/1theK ▶1theK TW : https://twitter.com/1theK ▶1theK G+ : http://goo.gl/mJCt9c ティアラ(T-ARA)_ ロリポリ・イン・コパカバーナ(Roly-Poly in Copacabana) ティアラの「Roly-Poly・In・コパカバーナ」は、80年代最高に有名だったディスコ・クラブ'コパカバーナ'の名にちなんで作ったタイトルだ。 「Roly-Poly・In・コパカバーナ(ロリポリ・イン・コパカバーナ)」は、既存の「Roly-Poly(ロリポリ)」よりトレンディーで洗練さを増している。ディスコ的要素がより強調され80年代のディスコ音盤として再誕生したこの曲が、ディスコやディスコ・クラブのブームを起こすだろうとティアラは伝えた。 티아라 'Roly-Poly In 코파카바나'는 80년대 최고 유명했던 디스코클럽 '코파카바나'의 이름을 따서 제목을 만들었다. 티아라는 'Roly-Poly In 코파카바나(롤리폴리 인 코파카바나)'가 80년대 디스코음반으로 재탄생 되어 디스코클럽 열풍을 일으킬 것이라고 전했다. 또한, 기존의 'Roly-Poly(롤리폴리)'보다 더 세련되고 트렌디하며 디스코적인 요소가 더 부각되면서 80년대 디스코 음반으로 재탄생되어 디스코 열풍을 불러일으킬 것으로 예상된다. |
![]() PSY - GANGNAM STYLE(강남스타일) M/V
by officialpsy 4:12 - 3,437,862,769 views PSY - ‘I LUV IT’ M/V @ https://youtu.be/Xvjnoagk6GU PSY - ‘New Face’ M/V @https://youtu.be/OwJPPaEyqhI PSY - 8TH ALBUM '4X2=8' on iTunes @ https://smarturl.it/PSY_8thAlbum PSY - GANGNAM STYLE(강남스타일) on iTunes @ http://smarturl.it/PsyGangnam #PSY #싸이 #GANGNAMSTYLE #강남스타일 More about PSY@ http://www.psypark.com/ http://www.youtube.com/officialpsy http://www.facebook.com/officialpsy http://twitter.com/psy_oppa https://www.instagram.com/42psy42 http://iTunes.com/PSY http://sptfy.com/PSY http://weibo.com/psyoppa http://twitter.com/ygent_official |