![]() גמבה סטייל (Gangnam Style - הפארודיה העברית - The Hebrew Parody)
by Srutonim - שרוטונים 2:54 - 65,059,679 views אל תשכחו ללחוץ על הפעמון! הפארודיה העברית המצליחה ביותר לGangnam Style הפקה: שרוטונים תסריט ובימוי: יובל בינדר צילום: יובל מרום מנהל קריאטיב: ניב פועל מפיקים בפועל: טובל וסרשטיין ואור שבת שירה: יובל בינדר פלייבק: ADreamOfficial: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfD2sjAd2js3p_tfeoEwmXw עריכה: יובל בינדר, ירין אהרונוף וקובי חדור סטיילינג: ליאן פועל משתתפים: יובל בינדר, דפי אלון, ירדן קולר, תמר יוסף, טניה ירושלמי, עילאי אונגר, קארין ריי איירי, ירין אהרונוף, אור שבת, תומר מזרחי, אור ריזנמן, דור יתח, אלעד כהן, יובל בנדל, אלי ברוייר ונוי קליינר כוכב אורח: משה פרסטר תרגום לאנגלית: אורי דור כתוביות באנגלית: אליעד לוי תודות: חוות חניאל, שווארמה שמש, מועדון היאיא וכפיר אדלר _____________________________ טקטקו איתנו - https://www.tiktok.com/@srutonim שימו עוקב - https://www.instagram.com/srutonim תנו בלייק - https://www.facebook.com/srutonimIL האזינו בכל שירותי המוזיקה - http://srutonim.co.il/musicstores תביאו בסאב - https://www.youtube.com/user/srutonim?sub_confirmation=1 ערוץ הפרסומות - https://www.youtube.com/user/SrutonimADS?sub_confirmation=1 |
![]() Farmer Style (Gangnam Style Parody)
by Peterson Farm Bros 3:48 - 18,410,029 views A parody music video of "Gangnam Style" by The Peterson Farm Bros (Greg, Nathan, and Kendal Peterson) that promotes agriculture! Please share this video with your friends and remind them to thank a farmer for their food! Watch all 17 of our parody music videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpniJUeAKfupMAobWOtCvEmjosZiPX07S Watch our entertaining non-music videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpniJUeAKfuqx4T2xLYNayrEOdnQEuB9k Watch our newest videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/ThePetersonFarmBros/videos?view=0&sort=dd&shelf_id=14 Words by: Greg Peterson Music by: PSY No copyright infringement of original song "Gangnam Style" by PSY was intended. Thanks to our younger sister Laura for helping us film! Subscribe and watch our 17 parody music videos about farming! http://www.youtube.com/petersonfarmbros The Peterson Farm Bros are made up of Greg (28), Nathan (26), and Kendal (23) Peterson. We are 5th generation family farmers who farm together in Kansas with our parents David and Marla, our sister Laura, and our wives BrookeAnna (Greg's), Riley (Nathan's) and Caelan (Kendal's). This channel is full of videos about our family farm and what we do to take care of animals and grow crops. Our videos range from parodies, to informational videos, to entertainment videos, to our "Life of a Farmer" vlogs. It is our hope that these videos will give everyone who watches them a better understanding of what a real farm in the midwest looks like. We try to be as honest and upfront as possible in our videos and our posts and hope that viewers will realize how much hard work goes into farming! With over 85 million combined views on Facebook and YouTube, you don't want to miss out! Please subscribe here on YouTube, visit www.petersonfarmbrothers.com for more info, and make sure to become a fan on Facebook (Peterson Farm Bros), Instagram/SnapChat/Twitter (@petefarmbros) for more posts about what we do! Lyrics: We are the Peterson Farm Bros, and we're farming and we grow it We love agriculture, and we want the world to know it Farming is a way of life with many different flavors Being stewards of the gifts God gave us Out here on the farm, We're running green John Deere Tractors Out here on the farm, We work in many weather factors Out here on the farm, We're working hard to raise your food Out here on the farm. On the family farm. Agriculture, is so important to me, (and should be to you) HAY! It feeds the world and will never ever cease to be, We need to eat! We all need farmers to provide us with our food, food, food, food! Workin' farmer style. Farmer Style Work, work, work, work, working farmer style Haaaaaaay, for my cattle Work, work, work, work, working farmer style Haaaaaaay, from the field Work, work, work, work Farmers are working harder than you might imagine But that is just because we have a job that is our passion We will work sunup to sundown time and time again As if working for the Lord and not for men Out here on the farm We get away from lights of cities Out here on the farm The countryside is nice and pretty Out here on the farm. We work together as a family. Out here on the farm. On the family farm. Agriculture, is so important to me, (and should be to you) HEY! It feeds the world and will never ever cease to be, We need to eat! We all need farmers to provide us with our food, food, food, food! Workin' farmer style Hay, hay, hay, hay Is what we feed our cattle So they grow big and strong And then become the food that keeps us living nice and long. Our crops like corn and wheat Help make diets complete Without the farmers working We would all be starving You know what I'm saying? Workin' farmer style Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey Hey, thank the farmers! Hey, for your food! Content (except for music) property of Peterson Farm Brothers LLC |
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![]() Nintendo Style – Gangnam Style Psy Parody Ft. Mario
by Rich Alvarez 4:11 - 6,399,208 views MARIO VS DK RAP BATTLE: http://youtu.be/RZ_oJ0dfGBA 8 BIT GENTLEMAN PARODY: http://youtu.be/SFOQU60Xcq4 BLOOPERS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EhVwg3FMt4 SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Richalvarez BITCOIN TIP JAR: http://blockchain.info/address/1F9uDWreEyuLoJvZAfaYfZGN7vWw6PhqjT FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/RMAProd TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/richalvarez MUSIC VIDEO PLAYLIST: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7A6ACA8D18354059 "Nintendo Style" - A Nintendo themed Music Video Parody of Gangnam Style. Music re-created by Dominic Muller. NINTENDO STYLE LYRICS: [Verse 1] I'm Mario—Been kickin' ass since '81 No not '85, 'cause I was in Donkey Kong, fool! Plungin' Toilets by day, and stompin' goombas by night! Don't you dare test my smash skills, 'cause I'll win every fight! His name is Donkey Kong! His crazy barrel-throwing, damsel-stealing days are gone. We had a party, played some tennis, now we get along. We played a prank on Link and filled his boots with Donkey Dung! That's right, donkey dung. [Bridge] Go with Nintendo, and Miyamoto, and Koji Kondo (Hey!) and Reggie Fills! (Hey!) 'Cause at Nintendo, we got Mario, And all the Kongs(Hey!), Samus link and Fox(Hey!), and unlimited amounts of Pokemon! [Chorus] Go Nintendo Style! Nintendo Style! Go, go, go, go, Go Nintendo Style! Nintendo Style! Go, go, go, go, Go Nintendo Style! Hey! Shake that Wii-Mote! Go, go, go, go, Go Nintendo Style! Hey! Shake that Wii-Mote! Go, go, go, go, Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey... [Verse 2] The Hero of Time has the Tri-force of Courage. His name is Link, but he can't speak so you'll never hear him. He should be fighting Ganon, but instead he'll chase Cucco's But he'll never catch 'em; he has boots filled with DooDoo! 10 billion Pokemon! Charmander, Pickachu and Jiggly-puff who makes you yawn! So make sure that you're nowhere near her when she sings her song! It doesn't matter who your starter is, you can't go wrong! A trillion pokemon! [Bridge] [Chorus] [Verse 3] Metriod Prime! Ocarina of Time! Starfox, Mother, Kirby, Pikmin, It's a real good time! Go grab an NES, or play your 3DS, So don't ask me how I'm Gamin' Don't be hatin' You know what I'm playin'! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey... Hey! Shake that Wii-Mote! Go, go, go, go, Go Nintendo Style! Hey! Shake that Wii-Mote! Go, go, go, go, Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey... Go Nintendo Style! NINTENTO STYLE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGRLRLz9xEI |
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